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 One On One


Work with me one-on-one. Discover compassion for yourself and understanding that everything you need is within you. I will guide you through various techniques to release what is holding you back. Our session begins with setting sacred space, pulling a card and discussing where you are at physically, mentally and emotionally. Each session includes a guided mediation for you to integrate the work and feel supported.

Deep Reset

Center. Rest. Transcend.

$49 (45min)

Deep Reset is a way to recalibrate the nervous system in order to bring balance and ease. It is an integrated way to look at stress patterns and create a shift to support wellbeing. With a regulated nervous system you can be more responsive and less reactive. This custom Yoga Nidra Meditation practice is recommended for anyone struggling with anxiety and/or depression, mental looping, feeling overwhelmed or worried, experiencing insomnia or disrupted sleep patterns, and to support overall mental health.

Energy Diffusion

Embody. Feel. Resolve.

$49 (45min)

Energy Diffusion Technique is a way to navigate challenging feelings. It begins with bringing awareness to a situation you want to work with and noticing where it energetically resides in your body. Expect to connect with your capacity to be with difficult emotions and integrate the experience as needed. This technique is recommended for conflict resolution, feeling disconnected, pain management, patterns of avoidance, patterns of unhealthy attachment and to support overall mental health and wellbeing.


Primary Intention

Listen. Deepen. Expand.

$108 (90min)

Primary Intention Work supports discovering an aligned and clear purpose.  It gives direction and meaning to your contributions to the world. It is something that you can return to, like a north star, when you feel lost or uncertain. You are here in this moment and time to share a purpose that is individually unique. Think of Primary Intention as your living and breathing legacy.


Secondary Intention

Clear. Transform. Actualize.

$69 (60min)

Secondary Intention Work supports clarity and transformation. Limiting beliefs keep us from experiencing our wholeness. This process looks beneath those limiting beliefs, transforms them, and uses intention as a catalyst to clear a path forward. It targets your way of thinking or acting that is limiting access to your wisest self. Secondary Intention supports forming a new pattern and way of being.


The Signature Bundle


Ready to commit to transformative change? The Signature Bundle is designed to provide a deeply personalized experience. It includes Primary Intention, Secondary Intention and your choice of Deep Reset or Energy Diffusion. Over our three sessions together you get a clear insight to the many layers that make up your soul. This is your opportunity to truly learn and embody the practice, evolve your consciousness and create lasting change.

Personalized Events


Community connection through moon circles and hike to yoga nidra events. These personalized events are an opportunity to get your closest friends together and have a deeply meaningful experience. Whether you choose a backyard moon circle under the stars or hiking to an open field of wildflowers, your friends will leave feeling more connected to themselves and each other. Reach out to me and let's explore designing this experience for you.

Moon Circles

Connect. Integrate. Commit.

Moon Circles are a way for women to experience support and connection. During these intimate Moon Circles expect to find clarity around creating an intention in direct relation to the moon phase. The New Moon is an opportunity to create a clear intention rooted in beginnings. The Full Moon is a time for reflection and release. 

Together we dive deep into sacred ritual and conversation around working with intention to cultivate awareness on what you want to grow or release. Our focus will be centered around supporting each other in this work. 

We then embody the work, by placing intention, with the practice of Yoga Nidra Meditation, a deep rest that supports restoring body and mind. And close with acknowledging any shifts and a commitment to keep our intention at the center of our heart.

This event is unlike other Moon Circles because of the added potent Yoga Nidra Meditation practice that allows one to fully integrate the experience. This is a space to be seen and heard and to feel that you are not alone.

Moon Circles are intended to bring all women, and those identifying as female, together to encourage, support, and elevate one another. To see that we are connected and that through sharing our strengths and offerings with others we empower the entire collective.

Hike to Yoga Nidra

Slow. Rest. Heal.

Hike to Yoga Nidra is a way to connect to our true nature through movement and stillness.

It is in nature that we are reminded of our inherent wholeness. We connect to our senses. We slow our pace and realize our true nature. We can remember what it is like to be a Human Being rather than a Human Doer.

We meet at a designated trailhead where we hike to an open space for a short guided Yoga Nidra Meditation.

The practice of Yoga Nidra Meditation is an accessible and approachable way to meditate. During our time together one can expect to have deeper conversations and to pause along the way to discuss and let there be space to share. Hikes are open to everyone as a way to strengthen connections and widen our community circles. Come as you are, these hikes will hold space for you through all of your growth and challenges, your feelings of ease and unease and your desire to experience a more connected way of being.

Group Sessions


Livestream online yoga classes. These classes are an affordable way to practice together in community from the comfort of your home. Currently available upon request. Please contact me to setup a session for yourself or a group of your friends.

Candlelight Yoga

Ground. Slow. Deepen.

Candlelight Yoga is a supportive, connected and soulful practice. It begins with centering and then eases into stretching. Followed by simple and slow movements that are approachable and accessible. Lastly, experience ease, stillness and rest. Candlelight Yoga will leave you deeply connected to your soul.

Deep Reset Meditation

Center. Rest. Transcend.

Deep Reset Meditation is a way to recalibrate the nervous system to bring balance and ease. It goes beyond simply resting, it guides you deeper into stillness to experience rest as awareness itself. This is an accessible way to meditate, often practiced laying down. Expect support with completing the stress cycle through a guided Yoga Nidra Meditation.